Apr 24, 2017
"To all Glenorchy locals who love the Rees Valley - and we know there are plenty of you! - please be reassured that earthworks associated with the film set construction on Bridges Terrace, beyond Muddy Creek, are a temporary phenomenon. As part of their Resource Consent, and their Location Agreement with us, the production company are obligated to reinstate the site back to how it was so once filming is over crew members will remain for several more weeks putting everything back in order and we'll re-grass it all in Spring.
It's worth pointing out that this terrace is freehold land owned by the Scott family, not part of the Rees Valley pastoral lease. It extends from the river (a historical anomaly means there is NO marginal strip on the true left of the Rees River adjacent to this freehold) to a line higher than the foot of the hill, behind our deer fence, between Muddy Creek and Bridges Creek. The road provides legal access through the freehold back to the marginal strip beyond.
The aerial photos give some perspective on the extent of the soil disturbance in the context of the whole area. As is often the case with films shot in NZ we are standing in for another part of the world, so a bit of creativity is required to make us look like somewhere else!
From the Scott family"
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C Eastgate
Jul 23, 2017 @ 20:51
The site and access road to the site is a mess - was native vegetation removed along the access road to enable trucks etc to come in and use the site? It was pretty disheartening to see the change there today.
Vladka Kennett
May 18, 2017 @ 10:23
Hi Dan,
No, access to Rees-Dart track is not affected. Just remember the bridge over Snowy Creek is removed for winter-early spring should you wish to do the whole loop.
May 17, 2017 @ 21:38
Will tramping access be affected? If so, for how long do you know? Considering a Sept (re)visit. Thank you.
dick watson
Apr 24, 2017 @ 21:00
can't see my digger