Nov 4, 2015
Hi everyone,
Just to let you all know that we had a great night out at the Trustpower Awards in Wanaka on Monday night, with the Glenorchy Branch of RWNZ receiving a "commended" in our category of Art and Culture. This is the equivalent of being third - there's a runner up and winner in each category and if you get a commendation you get a funky framed certificate and a Trustpower voucher. We also had a lovely dinner out afterwards and all in all it was a very good time! It's just fantastic to see all the other cool stuff that is being done by volunteers in the district, it really restores your faith in humanity. There was a - slightly inaccurate - story in the Southland times (they name all the winners and commended groups, but poor old runners-up get left out!) here.
Kate Scott, Glenorchy Branch of Rural Women NZ
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