Apr 25, 2021
Honouring the Fallen – Glenorchy ANZAC Service.
Flag was draped and surrounded by uniforms.
Service lead by Paul Ferris.
Paul welcomed and acknowledged Councillor Ferg from QLDC for his continued support for our small community as well as Councillor Nikki Gladding. A special welcome to serving and ex service personnel as well as to our local emergency personnel, other visitors who have joined the Glenorchy Community and to the young people who have assisted with the service in Honour of the Fallen.
Reader 1 - Anzac Day - Families - Paul Ferris
The theme for Anzac services across New Zealand for this year is Women Who Served. We remember the contribution that women made to the war effort of many levels. The women who served in the arm forces to support the men with transport, nursing, mechanical services, logistics and communication are of a focus. It is also good to remember the women who took over the roles of men in their communities while they were away. Women became the day to day managers of homes, businesses and communities. They kept the country going and when the men returned they stepped back to their original roles in homes and communities.
In 2021 we can see that women now play a much larger part in leading society and we might assume that while war was a time of challenge and crisis one of the positives that came from the conflict was the way women defined a new normal for themselves and have gone on to claim that in our modern world.
The ANZAC service gives us an opportunity to remind ourselves that through the selfless actions of others we have the right to be free in this country. We are reminded that strong leadership as demonstrated by our current political leadership has given us a summer and freedom that most other western countries envy. The recent pandemic has reminded us that we need to be ready to defend what we value and the selfless behaviour of those men and women who fought in many conflicts on our behalf laid the foundation for this spirit.
Today we also focus on those whose names featured on this monument. We should remember the people who returned from war scarred from their experience and who struggled to reintegrate into their previous lives and we should remember that the lives of both men and women were forever changed by the absence of a loved one.
ANZAC day is a marker of Nationhood. Nationhood comes at a price and this morning as we stand in silence we can consider what we value and why we continue to turn up to honour the fallen.
Reader 2 - Anzac Day in Glenorchy – Sue Scott
Poem 1 – Written by a female US Air Force Captain. The poem shows the challenges faced by women who served – Councillor Nikki Gladding
Poem 2 - Lest we forget - Nate Grant of Glenorchy School
Wreaths are laid and Poppies were placed as Matthias Breitenberger read out the names of the Fallen (WW1) and (WW11).
QLDC Representative Counsellor Ferg's speech reflected on ANZAC.
Reader 5 - Ode to the Fallen - Pam Henderson
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
The New Zealand National Anthem was played followed by a brief prayer. Paul Ferris acknowledged and thanked everyone for their support as well as a special thank you to the staff of Glenorchy School for their involvement with the children and the art work in the hall.
Nga mihi
Gorettie Breitenberger.
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