May 24, 2017
This is to let everyone know that there is a petition at Smithy’s to try and stop Council putting chlorine in the water – see attached petition.
Petition to Queenstown Lakes District Council - May 2017
We, at the Head of Lake Wakatipu, value the purity of Glenorchy's reticulated water and we object to the chlorination of that supply by Queenstown Lakes District Council. However, we do remain open to taking other reasonable steps towards meeting the Drinking Water Standards, if those steps are proved to be both necessary and affordable.
The Petition form is attached - you can also print it out, sign and drop off there or alternatively send to PO BOX 74, GLENORCHY 9350. Or sign and scan and email to contact@glenorchycommunity.nz
Related documents:
- Petition (PDF, 324.78 KB)
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Debbie Pringle
May 24, 2017 @ 13:23
My husband and I regularly come on holiday to Blanket Bay and love the Glenorchy area. We very much appreciate the beautiful, chlorine free water and it's taste. We currently live in Brisbane. When we first moved here the water had a lovely taste, but since being chlorinated it takes horrible. Please don't spoil your water-Clenorchy is one of the few places that we know of that has water that you can enjoy drinking from the tap.