Feb 3, 2017
We had a good meeting on 30th January of most of the people who have got traplines in and around Glenorchy. DOC is the major player with its comprehensive network up many of the major valleys within Mt Aspiring National Park but there are a lot of other voluntary lines happening too.
Rusty has got 96 traps around the Lagoon Walkway and along Diamond Creek. If anyone wants to donate eggs/cash for more traps, get in touch with him.
Paradise has 60 traps within its boundaries, Camp Hill is well trapped, Dave does a great job at Wyuna Preserve, Precipice Creek has 10 traps, Justin has traps at Cosy Dell and north to the Oxburn, Temple Peak has 35 traps, Glenorchy Journeys checks a few traps on the Greenstone Road and Wakatipu Deerstalkers traps all of Steele Creek and has plans for Kay Creek; small beginnings but a great first step towards Predator Free NZ 2050.
Routeburn Dart Wildlife Trust has ambitious plans to protect the braided river species in the Dart and Rees which are just as vulnerable as the forest birds. The gulls which have been seen a lot around Glenorchy this summer are actually black billed gulls and classified as nationally critical.
TRAP.NZ is a great website if you want to record your data and that would make it easier to share results among ourselves. DOC and RDWT would be keen to know if anyone catches/sees hedgehogs anywhere in the area.
General comments from hutwardens, guides and trampers are that there appear to be a lot of birds this season. Kakariki are abundant across a number of valleys, kaka are seen/heard frequently and robin numbers remain at good levels.
If anyone else has traplines in the area please let Amanda know
442 9942
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