Jun 12, 2020
GCA AGM Thursday 2nd July 7pm, Glenorchy Hall
The Glenorchy Community Association would like to give notice that its annual general meeting will be held on Thursday July 2nd at 7pm in the Glenorchy Community Hall.
Prior to the AGM there will be an open session with representatives from the ORC to discuss the flooding hazzard from the Rees River, its’ impact on the lagoons and the township and for the community to pass on their suggestions and priorities for action.
The AGM is a short formal meeting and the GCA invites everyone to remain for snacks and refreshments after the meeting and use the opportunity to meet the new committee and raise or discuss any items that you would like the GCA to act on in the coming year.
AGM Agenda
1. Chairmans report
2. Treasurers report
3. Election of the Committee for the coming year
Nominations to sit on the Committee of the Association are invited. The committee comprises 7 seats and the role of the Committee is to carry out the functions of the Association.
Nominations should be emailed to gycommunityassn@gmail.com by Thursday 25th June. Please provide details of the person nominated together with details of the nominator and secondor together with an image (if desired) and a couple of paragraphs about why you wish to be selected.
In the event of there being more than 7 persons nominated by 25th June a vote from those present at the AGM will be held to elect the Committee.
In the event of there being less than 7 persons nominated, those nominated by 25th June will be deemed to be elected and calls for nominations and if required, a vote, will be used to fill the balance of the seats on the committee.
In the event of a vote being held at the AGM, candidates will be allowed up to 2 minutes if to address the meeting prior to the vote.
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