Mar 19, 2019
There will be a special general meeting of the GCA this Thursday at 6pm for 1 hour in the supper room to discuss the following motion:-
“That the GCA is opposed to commercial mining in the Bucklerburn/Whakaari area and is concerned that :-
1. New Zealand Tungsten Mining Ltd have been granted permits and a non-notified consent by DOC and QLDC for drilling operations without any input whatsoever from the community;
2. New Zealand Tungsten Mining Ltd are expending significant sums on mineral exploration and challenges to the proposed District Plan to make the planning regime more mining friendly and reduce the proposed protection afforded to the Whakaari Heritage Landscape - eg in the District Plan “Insert a new policy: Identify the location and extent of existing or pre-existing mineral resources in the region and encourage future mining activity to be carried out in these locations”
3. The large scale mining operations intended by New Zealand Mining Ltd are a complete mismatch with the Future Vision for Glenorchy set out in our Community Plan and
4. Mining operations in this area would significantly compromise the integrity of our water supply.
The GCA is instructed to make representations with DOC, the ORC and QLDC at the highest levels to register these concerns as a first step to ensuring operations as described by New Zealand Tungsten Mining Ltd do not occur.”
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