Glenorchy Lagoon Walkway
1–2 hour loop track
A great family walk. Ideal for picnics, with views of Mt Earnslaw/Pikirakatahi, Mt Alfred/Ari and the surrounding ranges. This track has recently been extended.
The boardwalk traverses wetlands just north of Glenorchy with plenty of opportunity to view bird life. Native species include, pied stilt/poaka, South Island pied oystercatcher/tōrea, Australasian bittern/matuku, New Zealand shoveller/kuruwhengu, grey teal/tete (in spring), grey duck/pārera, and scaup/pāpango. The New Zealand falcon/kārearea may be seen soaring above the wetland hunting for prey.
In heavy or prolonged rain the Glenorchy Lagoon section of the walkway becomes flooded. Care is required.
Start/finish: signposted from Glenorchy waterfront