The Routeburn and the Dart Valleys are home to a wide range of native New Zealand birdlife.
Species still found here include Mohua, Robin, Kakariki, Rifleman, Kaka, Kea, Whio, and Rock Wren. The valleys are also home to New Zealand’s only native land mammal the Pekapeka or bat. They are also home to rats, stoats, possums and wild cats and unless we can maintain best practise pest control, our native species will continue to diminish.
The Routeburn Dart Wildlife Trust wants to BRING BACK THE BIRDSONG to 32,800ha of the Dart and its tributary valleys. We work in partnership with DOC and our core focus is long term predator control but there is fantastic opportunity for more research on our native birds, species reintroduction and education initiatives.
We are all Wakatipu locals and by linking the commercial world, DOC and the local community we can sustain significant improvements to the biodiversity of the area.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Go to to see what's happening.
Make a donation;
$100 buys a trap;
$160 pays a staff member for a day;
$5 buys a dozen eggs to bait the traps;
$20 buys a tracking tunnel;
$500 covers the costs of trapping 1 hectare.
If you would like any more information get in touch with one of our local ambassadors:
Amanda Hasselman Ph: 03 442 9942
Helen Clark
Kath Cahill