A Photo Gallery courtesy of Paul Hansen www.glenorchyphotos.com These images are for sale as a 6" X 8"  Photo Print for $10.00 each - please contact Paul at paul@glenorchyphotos.com

The last 7 photos were taken and supplied by Paul Brainerd.

Thank you very much for sending them to our Community Website!


And the Gallery comes with a thank you from the Glenorchy Schoo's Principal - Allie McHugo:

A big thanks goes out to all the parents and staff who worked hard to do all the preparation for Race Day. To the past and present pupils, to the members of the community both new and established who worked behind the bbq's to raise funds for our great little school.

To all those that got up after a busy Saturday to clean up on Sunday. 
Your time, energy and contribution means that we can continue to deliver an amazing programme, give our students the outdoor experiences and ensure that all the children of Glenorchy receive the education they deserve. 

Thanks Glenorchy
Allie McHugo