Newcomer's Tips
The MUST DO reading for everyone living or coming to live in Glenorchy.
Should you have an update or important addition, please do contact us!
Glenorchy has (THIS) its own website. www.glenorchycommunity.nz
Make sure you sign up for notifications.
General Information:
In addition to the website, you can keep in touch with what’s happening locally through the notice board located next to the post boxes and also by tuning into Glenorchy Country Radio on 89.2 MHz
Most residents cull wood from their properties. There are a couple of people around who may be able to source wood for you (ask at the Glenorchy Motors). Alternatively some of the Queenstown Firewood companies will deliver out to Glenorchy.
Rapid Numbers:
Your address may include a RAPID number. The Rural Address Property Identification (RAPID) System is a standard numbering system for rural properties in New Zealand and is an important aid to emergency services when identifying properties. The system is based on the distance to a property entrance from a clearly defined reference point, usually the beginning of the road on which it is located. A plate with the allocated number is attached to a gatepost or other place at the entrance to the property where it can be easily seen from the road.
If you have any questions regarding RAPID numbers then please contact QLDC.
If you need diesel for underfloor heating etc, call it an Glenorchy Motors and they can arrange for a diesel truck to deliver to your property. Delivery is usually once a week, depending on weather. Additional you should note that Glenorchy Motors is the last petrol station between here and Queenstown.
Glenorchy is blessed with numerous clubs catering for all kinds of interest. They are a terrific way to get to meet the locals. Particularly popular is the Rural Women, who regularly meet for fun activities and outings. If you are musically inclined, consider joining the Swanndrii Quartet. There are classes for painting, yoga, pilates and all sorts. Take a look at the ‘Clubs and Groups’ section on the Glenorchy Website.
Winter vs Summer:
Many of the Glenorchy residents work either in farming or in the tourist industry. Its worth noting that the Spring/Summer months are the busiest time of year for residents whilst late Autumn and Winter may afford a little extra time for socialising.
Postal Services:
The local post office can be found at Glenorchy Motors. You can arrange for a PO Box or rural delivery. Deliveries are usually Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you want to order something online and they won’t take a PO Box address then delivery can be made ℅ Glenorchy Motors.
Glenorchy Motors:
If you have big items that need picking up (including groceries and wine) within the Queenstown area, then, for a small fee, you can pop into the office and ask if Andy will call by and collect.
Medical Help:
Currently Glenorchy has a visiting nurse every two weeks (although this may change) between 11am and 1pm. The Medical Room is beside the library on Islay Street. No appointment is necessary.
As a new resident it will be important to register with a Queenstown doctor as soon as possible. For the first six months from registration you are considered a ‘walk-in’ so fees are more expensive.
Glenorchy also has a visiting chiropractor. Take a look at the notice board outside the library for details of visiting times and contact details.
The library is at 13 Islay Street. Its open on Wednesday and Friday from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. Talk with Leslie VanGelder the librarian.
Odd jobs:
There are a number of people who provide various and different services. Garden and home maintenance; plumbing; spraying/lawn mowing/farm maintenance and there is a local electrician. Find their details on the GY phone list on the web. And for more services look under the Products and Services section of the web.
Local Events:
Glenorchy has many terrific community events throughout the year. The biggest of these is the Glenorchy Horse Races held on the first Saturday of the new year. Race goers from all over descend on Glenorchy and it is undoubtedly the busiest day of the year for the township.
Other events held annually are the Harvest Festival, Flower Show, Summer Fair, Fishing Competition and the popular Rural Women Dinner/Dance.
During the winter months the Lodge hosts the very popular Quiz Night is held weekly over a number of weeks. Teams of four compete for highly coveted and unique prizes and all for a good cause. If you don’t have a team, don’t worry. Come on down and ask around. Newcomers are always welcome.
Phone List:
The local phone list is regularly updated by Gorettie Breitenberger. If you want to have your details on the list which is emailed to locals and also sits on the GY Website, then email
Local Veggies:
If you're looking to buy terrific local veggies then you might like to ask Caro to put you on her mailing list for regular updates on what she may having growing.
GY School:
If you’ve got children between the ages of 5-13 then you will need to get them signed up with the local school. Talk to Gorettie Breitenberger or the School Principal, Paula Miller, about registration. Children start school here on their 5th birthday.
Glenorchy does not have a high school and older children must therefore be enrolled in a high school in Queenstown or elsewhere.
School Bus - If your child needs transport to GY school, then please advise the school. Toni drive the bus but you should direct queries through the school office.
Emergency Services:
Glenorchy has its own Fire Station and First Response as well as trained search and rescue experts. For help call 111 and they can direct locally based help to you.
Power Cuts:
With the many storms that come across the mountains, Glenorchy occasionally has power cuts. Keep a supply of candles, torches, kettle (suitable for gas or fire) and anything else you can think of that will make your time without electricity comfortable. Usually the power is not down too long. To help preserve your cold and frozen foods, try not to open your fridge doors for longer than necessary.
There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. Make sure you are appropriately dressed for our warm summers and cold winters. Additionally use sunscreen as appropriate and use insect repellant to help keep away the sand flies. If you do get bitten, buy a tin of “Goodbye Ouch” which really does take away the itch.
The air is dry here so invest in a good moisturiser.
Its important to never underestimate the power of Mother Nature. Glenorchy often has some significant Thunder Storms and direct lightening hits have been know to cause serious damage to electrical goods as well as put property and livestock at risk.
If a Thunder Storm is approaching, pull out electrical goods, including your phone, from their power sockets, leaving only those in which are of absolute necessity. Additionally avoid going out in a storm and keep pets and animals safe.
Road Slips:
Occasionally there may be slips on the Glenorchy-Queenstown Road which will close the road, usually only for a short period of time. Always keep spare supplies of important items including food in case you are unable to get to Queenstown.
Septic Tanks:
If your house has a septic tank then its important not to use any anti-bacterial products. The supermarkets in Queenstown supply a number of items that are safe for septic tanks. Make sure you read the labels.
Rubbish and Recycling Bins are collected every Friday morning. Any questions (including what can be recycled) then check out QLDC;s website.
Green Waste:
Green waste can be taken to the Buckler Burn site (if you don’t know where that is, get a local to point it out to you).
Large Recycling:
If you have extra recycling that doesn't fit in your bin then you can drop it off at the Wakatipu Recycling Centre on Glenda Drive at the Frankton Industrial Estate. They are open from 8am to 5pm, 7 days a week.
If you need a vet urgently then you can phone for assistance from Iris Scott 442 9908.
Alternatively there are vets in Queenstown.
Swimming Pool:
The GY Swimming pool (situated near the school) is open during summer months. You can obtain a key from the Trading Post (bottom of Mull Street). Payment is based on per swim or a key for the season.
GY Playgroup is for the under 5’s. More can be found in the Playgroup section on this site.
Baby sitting:
There are random ads offering baby sitting within the village from local teenage girls.
Ideally ask at the Glenorchy School to start with.
There are three telecoms companies: Vodafone, Spark and Lakes Internet. Ask some neighbours what they use as service can vary depending on what area you are living in.
Basic Groceries:
If you’ve run out of basic grocery items then you can try the GY Hotel, The Lodge or Mrs Woolly’s General Store.
Glenorchy has its own small Mission Hall where locals of different faiths can come together to worship. Check the schedule for the different services on the website. Any questions can be directed to Rosie Ferris.
The Glenorchy Community Association meets on the first Thursday of every month except January. The Board of seven local residents is annually elected and anyone can attend the monthly meetings to find out more about what’s going on in Glenorchy.