Dec 10, 2015
Hello Wakatipu Non-Profit Groups
I am writing to you today with two hats, as a founding member of the NRG Queenstown group which is a Next Rotary Generation in Queenstown and as the Business Development Officer of SBS Bank who looks after our Star Community Groups.
Clean Up Queenstown Bay and Keep It Beautiful
NRG fundraised for this project through our inaugural Duck Race down Horne Creek last year. We would like to continue with our monthly Queenstown Bay clean up roster.
This is where your group could help and benefit - we would like to donate $250 to groups that help us clean up the bay.
We would like at least 10 people (the more the merrier) to come down to the bay, put on some gloves and help us fill up some plastic bags with rubbish.
I will run a monthly roster so please let me know if you would like to become part of this great initiative. It will be great team building whilst doing something worthwhile for the beautiful place that we live, as well as some quickly earned fundraised money for your club, $250 = a lot of sausage sizzles! All you need to do is turn up on the day allocated to your group with some smiles and helping hands.
First preference will go to groups that haven’t already taken part this year but I will take note of all who reply to add to the list and you may be able to take part again.
We are looking at doing this on the first Sunday of every month from 10 am – 12 noon and meeting at the Memorial arch.
I look forward to hearing from you to let me know which month you would like to help! We are looking for two groups each month to help out in January and February since it’s so busy around the Bay.
Check us out on Facebook NRG Queenstown – Next Rotary Generation and our website below to see what we have done so far and feel free to contact me if you would like to find out more about this new group or come along to any meetings.
Kind regards
Honor Mathieson
NRG Queenstown Member
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