May 7, 2017
The Glenorchy Community Association would like to see wider community engagement at the voting of the committee members at the next AGM, June 1st
The village has grown and not everybody knows each other like they used to and there are many new people joining the community all the time. So that all community members know more about who the potential committee representing them are, this year the nomination process will be different...
- Those nominated will be contacted to confirm they accept the nomination. A web page on the GCA section of the community website will be set up that lists the nominees and will allow us to post a photograph along with a paragraph about themselves and their intentions for the GCA should they be voted in
- Anyone living this side of Bennett's Bluff can make a nomination and can vote. All nominations are to be emailed to gycommunityassn@gmail.com by end of Wednesday 17th May
- A total of 7 people will be elected on to the committee, the committee then decides who will hold the executive positions of Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary
- Remember your $gold coin donation to be eligible to vote for your preferred representatives on the night
Make the most of this democratic opportunity, see you June 1st, 7pm at the Hall!
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