QLDC waste water update
Sep 11, 2016
A review of the original proposed sites for the Glenorchy Sewerage Scheme has been undertaken to confirm the previous findings, including confirmation of QLDC owned property within the Glenorchy area. At this stage no additional suitable sites have been identified.
In the original report the airport site was identified as a possibility but discouraged due to it being DoC controlled land, this has since been transferred to QLDC. A desktop assessment of the soils and available land at the airport has been completed which shows the potential for the site to be utilised for a treatment plant and land disposal field. The next steps are to discuss this further with the operators at the airport and QAC to determine any safety or operational concerns relating to the operation of a disposal field at the site. Should the site be deemed suitable then further on site investigation is required, in addition to consultation with relevant stakeholders before a recommendation could be made.
Discussion has been held around the dwelling equivalent calculations and how these impact on residential and commercial property owners. QLDC is seeking to expand the water metering programme currently being undertaken in the district to gather further information on both residential and commercial usage in Glenorchy over the coming months. This information would then assist in further defining the calculation and charging model which may be used to determine the apportioning of connection charges for a community scheme. Approval from land owners is required prior to additional meters being installed in the Glenorchy community to measure water usage.
If you have any queries on the above please feel free to contact
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