(previously Glenorchy First Response)
Glenorchy St John in action
In the mid 90’s it was becoming apparent that the district needed some form of emergency care system and eventually in 1995 and under the St John Ambulance umbrella Glenorchy First Response was formed.
It initially involved a team of 8 people who had completed their training and who worked on a weekly roster basis two at a time.
Over the years people have trained and come and gone leaving at this time, 2015, only 2 volunteers Callan Grimmer and Russell Varcoe as Emergency Medical Technicians with others currently training.
The best way to contact them in an emergency is to call 111, this will then set off a pager. This is the easiest and quickest way of getting hold of the Glenorchy crew. The volunteers hold down full time jobs and phoning them direct could cause a delay in getting if one of them is out of town etc.
GFR now Glenorchy St John has come a long way since private vehicles were used to get to patients after taking their equipment from the medical centre and loading their cars with the use of a Warehouse trolley.
These days there is a V8 Toyota Landcruiser which cost $100000.00 fitted out as an ambulance and was the first of its kind in New Zealand.
The community is a great supporter of GStJ always contributing to fund raising efforts and with generous annual donations by some businesses/people. This is always much appreciated and goes into making sure there is always up to date equipment etc on board the ambulance.
It must also be acknowledge that these volunteers attend regular training, usually in Queenstown but sometimes further afield. They also help out on the ambulance in town when necessary which is a big ask for a volunteer.