The Glenorchy Community Emergency Plan is being formulated for the area based on the requirement to regard the Civil Defence Emergency Management responsibilities of QLDC.
Local authorities have a responsibility under the Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Act 2002 to enable the communities to understand the risks that they face and to manage those in an efficient and effective manner.
The Glenorchy Community Emergency Plan is prepared to assist the community with a timely and prepared response to meet threats that may arise within the area which places people and/or property at risk.
The plan is reviewed on annual bases to update resources available in times of disaster.
Flood in Glenorchy in 1999
The lead document is the QLDC Emergency Management Plan 2013-16. The Glenorchy Community Emergency Plan supplements the above document.
Threats to Glenorchy include:
- Earthquake
- Floods
- Severe storms
- Extended road closures
- Extended failure of utility services
- Pandemics
Contact: Richard Kennett, ph: 03 442 9948