Professional Project Management Services for Land, Commercial, & Residential Developments




Professional Project Management Services for Land, Commercial, & Residential Developments

Experience and Expertise

With over 20 years of project management experience, we guide and support clients through every stage of the development process. Our services cover design procurement and management of consultants, resource consent, building consent, construction, and final council certification. We enjoy projects of any scale and have a special interest in green building and sustainability. Knowing who does what well, and leveraging in-depth knowledge of the Councils processes, we streamline projects adding significant value to both timelines and budgets.

In addition to general project management our services include the following to support consent applications:

1. Infrastructure Feasibility

  • For land development projects evaluating potable water supply, stormwater disposal, wastewater disposal, firefighting provisions, and access in relation to Council standards.
  • Supporting applications to Queenstown Lakes District Council, preparing Infrastructure Feasibility Reports for land use or subdivision resource consent applications.

2. Environmental Management Plans (EMP) for earthworks

  • Conducting site assessments and preparing Environmental Management Plans, EMPs.
  • Creating detailed Erosion and Sediment Control Plans.
  • Providing necessary documentation for resource consent applications and onsite earthwork management.

3. Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System Design

  • Performing site assessments and designing onsite wastewater treatment and disposal systems.
  • Greywater systems, including for tiny homes.
  • Preparing documentation suitable for both resource and building consent purposes, and construction.

It’s a minefield out there and local experience counts. By choosing our project management services, you ensure efficient, compliant, and successful development projects. Contact Steve to learn more about how we can help with your next project.

021 942 099

Phone: 021 942 099